本為夾竹桃科植物羅布麻Apocynum venetumrL.的干燥葉,經(jīng)水煎提、濃縮、噴霧干燥而制成的粉末狀干浸膏。本品為棕褐色粉末。
Extract of Apocyum Venetum
This product is the extract of dried leaves of Apocynum venetum L..It is brown powder produced by water extraction,concentration,and spraying driness.It’s pharmacological activities are:dispel phyegm,antitussive,antiasthmatic,hypertension,hyperlipoidemia,increaseing the folw of comary artery,increasing adrenine,antiradiation,anti-infalmmatory,anti-ageing,and many other activities.Worthy to nopte is that it come into effect gradually,premanent,and low sidereffects.
clear up heat and purge away fire,cardiokinetic and induce diuresis,antiasthmatics and antitussives.It is used to treat cough,tracheitis,hypertension and many other dieases.